This free conversion tool converts the uploaded PDF file to a PPTX file, downloadable via link provided by email, and is made by ex-Google engineer and technical SEO expert Fili.

What makes this PDF to PPTX conversion tool different from conversion tools is that PDF to PPTX Converter extracts each PDF page as an single full-sized image, maintaining its look and feel, and the image is then inserted into the PPTX deck as a full-sized single PPTX slide.

1 Upload PDF file
2 Receive email
3 Download PPTX file

No spam, no unwanted emails! Your email address is only needed to send you just one email with the download link to the PPTX file.


Benefits of converting a PDF file to PPTX file using this tool are:

  • The PDF to PPTX Converter is free of charge.
  • The new PPTX file does not have messy dependencies such as fonts.
  • Resizing or moving individual elements, e.g. titles, is not possible in the new PPTX file.
  • Editing of the slide content is deterred.
  • PDF presentation files up to 32MB supported.
If you have any questions about using the PDF to PPTX Converter contact ex-Google engineer Fili.


Why this tool?

This free PDF to PPTX Converter tool bridges the gap between the security of PDF files and requirement of PPTX files for presentations, due to the limitation by event organizers not to support PDF files.

PDF files are truly benefical to use as presentation file format. The elements in each slide do not move and there are no other dependencies. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, and its aim is to make sure that its content looks remains the same regardless of operating system or computer hardware. As a bonus, PDF files tend to be significantly smaller than other presentation file formats.

PPTX files are a presentation file format which allows for additional features such as transitions and video embedding. Most of the additional features are often unnecessary for a good presentation. PPTX files generally large and have as significant downside that any dependencies, such as usage of non-system fonts, need to be provided seperately in addition to or embedded into the PPTX file. PPTX files do not "lock" the look and feel of each slide, as a result elements may resize or move depending on the computer hardware or operating system. In addition, when sharing a PPTX file the receiving party can intentionally or accidently change content when opening to view the presentation. This is not possible with PDF files.


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Bugs will happen. Despite best efforts to maintain the code base and data quality, no guarantees can or will be given. Data may be incomplete and/or errors may occur. This is a personal website and for-fun project. Use at your own risk.